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P7 Season 3 Div-1 Playoffs Week 2 Bottom Bracket

Match Date
04/05/2018 08:30 PM EDT
Default Date
04/05/2018 09:30 PM EDT

Home 0

Match Comms


Last Comment:
Yosephus Admin
 04/03/2018 05:39 PM EDT
This week, you will only be playing one map. The map will be selected by the teams banning maps that they've played this season. Please have this finished by Wednesday 4/4 at 11:59PM. The order goes AWAY ban, HOME ban, AWAY ban, HOME PICK. The five maps to choose from are: Upward, Badwater, Borneo, Product, Coalplant. m8s, what is your first ban?

Kris18 - m8s
 04/03/2018 05:43 PM EDT
Ban Coalplant

Nick - Capture Crew
 04/03/2018 05:50 PM EDT
Ban Badwater

Kris18 - m8s
 04/03/2018 05:51 PM EDT
Ban Borneo

Nick - Capture Crew
 04/03/2018 06:12 PM EDT
Ban Product

Kris18 - m8s
 04/03/2018 06:31 PM EDT
Not how it works; pick one of the two remaining maps.

Yosephus Admin
 04/03/2018 06:58 PM EDT
Kris18, since 4 maps out of 5 have been banned then the map that is being played is: Upward.

Nick - Capture Crew
 04/03/2018 07:02 PM EDT
Ban Product

Kris18 - m8s
 04/03/2018 07:16 PM EDT
Yose, that is a reasonable conclusion, but it's possible Nick was confused as well, or meant to say PICK product and made a mistake; this is why I verify and ask for him to restate/pick a map.

I would appreciate a clear pick from Nick to alleviate any possible confusion.

As for a bit of feedback, refreshing the page will resend the last message, which just happened to Nick. Any way to fix that?

Kris18 - m8s
 04/05/2018 04:40 PM EDT
4:30 PM - Kris18: Would you be able to do 8:30?
4:31 PM - BWA! Nick: yeah sure

Kris18 Auto Generated - m8s
 04/05/2018 06:18 PM EDT
Proposed rescheduled match date of 04/05/2018 08:30 PM Eastern

Nick Auto Generated - Capture Crew
 04/05/2018 09:21 PM EDT
Accepted match date of 04/05/2018 08:30 PM Eastern

Nick Auto Generated - Capture Crew
 04/05/2018 09:21 PM EDT
Match score submitted. Final score
Capture Crew: 0