Interested in helping out RGL and being a part of the staff team? Open staff positions and applications for SUMMER 2024 can be viewed here. The 6s Staff team is looking for someone interested in joining as an admin or moderator!

Winter Staff Updates, Offseason Rule Updates, and December 2023 Bans

   exa   - 1/20/2024

Winter Staff Updates

The updated staff list is as follows:


Head Admin - Kitt(eh)

Division Admins:

Division Moderators:

Floating Staff: nyna and je'mond


Head Admin - Jercer

Division Admins:

Division Moderators:

Floating Staff: Kitt(eh)

Global Rule Updates

[1004.4.1] - Permanently banned players in a scrimmage has been updated to reflect that permanent Discord recruitment section restrictions are a possible penalty that will be issued for players that are involved or assist in the permanently banned player's participation in a scrim.

[1003.1] - Cheating has been updated to reflect the increased lengths for league ban evasion, alternate accounts, and assisting alternate accounts in RGL. The lengths of these AC cases are being updated to scale with the length of our existing cheating ban which is now 48 months long for the first offense.


These bans were enacted before the release of this article. If you would like to file a report, you can do so on our site here. Appeals can also be found on the same page.

NOTE: We only look at user-submitted reports. If you do not file a report, then there is a good chance we have not seen it and cannot deal with the situation.

Ban Evasion

The following player(s) knowingly supported a league-banned player in evading their ban for the season and will be banned:


The following alternate account(s) have been caught connected to existing accounts in RGL by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be permanently banned:

Sportsmanship and Spirit

The following player(s) have/had been suspended for 1-6 weeks for their usage of racist slurs, homophobic or transphobic language, excessive toxicity, flaming, or derogatory language on our platforms. Repeat offenders will get longer ban lengths.

  • Shiabo - Use of a racial slur during a scrim. Offseason ban delayed for the start of RGL Highlander Season 17. - 2 Weeks // First Offense


The following player(s) have failed to provide a requested demo. The first offense during the regular season will be a warning. A second offense during the regular season or the first offense during playoffs will lead to suspensions.

  • flu walrus - Failure to submit demos - Automatic 2nd offense (Offense occurred in a playoff match, see [1008.5] - POV and STV Demos) - 2 Weeks

You can read further details and context about each player's bans by viewing their discipline history on their RGL profile.