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Global Rule Updates and September 2023 Bans

   exa   - 10/28/2023

Global Rule Updates

[1003.1] - Cheating has been updated to clarify that overturned matches due to a game integrity-related offense (e.g. cheating and alting) cannot be replayed.

[2002.1] - Pre-season Rosters has been updated to clarify that HL preseason rosters must contain at least seven players to be eligible to be placed into a division for the upcoming season.

[2002.2] - Regular Season Rosters has been updated to clarify that HL team membership cannot fall below the minimum amount of eight rostered players during the ongoing season. This is to make the rule consistent with the minimum required players in an RGL match in [2001] - Format Rules.

[3002.1] - Pre-season Rosters has been updated to clarify that 6s preseason rosters must contain at least five players to be eligible to be placed into a division for the upcoming season.

[3002.2] - Regular Season Rosters has been updated to clarify that 6s team membership cannot fall below the minimum amount of five rostered players during the ongoing season. This is to make the rule consistent with the minimum required players in an RGL match in [3001] - Format Rules.

[1002.2] - Harassment / Flaming / In-Game Toxicity has been updated to clarify the instances that the Report Committee views when reviewing reports of comments made on private platforms.

[1005.2] - Region and [1009.4.2.1] - Other restrictions on the number of ringers have been updated to clarify the verbiage that teams cannot exceed the maximum capacity for out-of-region players listed for each format.


These bans were enacted before the release of this article. If you would like to file a report, you can do so on our site here. Appeals can also be found on the same page.

NOTE: We only look at user-submitted reports. If you do not file a report, then there is a good chance we have not seen it and cannot deal with the situation.


The following player(s) attempted to register their alternate account in RGL and will be banned for 6 months.

The following alternate account(s) have been caught connected to existing accounts in RGL by the RGL Anti-cheat team and will be permanently banned:


  • Gobfull - Breaking RGL's player code of conduct. - Permanent


The following account(s) have been permanently banned for having VAC bans that may be affecting TF2. If you have a VAC ban for a game that is not TF2, please contact an admin to get the ban removed.

You can read further details and context about each player's bans by viewing their discipline history on their RGL profile.