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Re-Announcing the Chucklenuts (No Restriction Sixes) Cup! - Hosted by RGL

   QueeQuey   - 4/28/2023

SFM by MetalCloud, Editing by Raos

Register Now for the Chucklenuts NR6s Cup!

(Hint: Click Here to Register)

This Article Has Been Updated as of May 17, 2023. Please Read Below for Date/Time Changes from What was Originally Announced!

Due to the impact of the initial outreach this Cup has strove to achieve, we have decided to move the weekend dates forward three weekends to Saturday, June 17th, and Sunday, June 18th. We hope this extra time for teams to Register will allow for more of those who are seeking their first Competitive Team Fortress 2 experience to have more time to prepare for it. As well as to give our participating Youtubers a greater opportunity to advertise to their viewer base. The decision to do so was difficult to work out, and we apologize to those of you who have already signed up who will be impacted by these changes.
All dates and times have been amended from their original values as you continue to read below.

Again, thank you to everyone participating in and volunteering for this Chucklenuts Cup!

All necessary format information, what configs, maps, and whitelist to use, as well as much more helpful information is detailed below. Thanks for reading!
- camp3r (6s Head Admin)


We’re happy to re-announce the Chucklenuts Cup! It’s a No Restriction 6s (aka Valve competitive with no weapon bans or class restrictions for those who are new) cup that will run for two days. The first day being pools with a Swiss system and the second day being playoffs, being single or double elimination based on how many sign-ups there are / division size.

The Chucklenuts Cup will be free to play and will take place on June 17th and 18th. The primary purpose of the cup is mostly for outreach and for new players to have a familiar and catered environment to try competitive TF2.

Already experienced players within the Comp community are of course still welcome, but keep in mind, the primary purpose of this Cup is to cater to new communities. If you are a higher level player that wants to participate in the Cup, you still can! Higher divisions will be present for you to play as there would be in any other cup. The placements of teams will be guided by placements of teams and players who are currently playing in the ongoing Traditional 6s and Highlander seasons of RGL (if rostered to one). Teams may be shifted around depending on the number of sign-ups (e.g. a top IM team may be placed in Main,). We are looking to have at least 8 teams per division to fully flesh out the schedule. If this requirement is not met, we likely will condense the upper divisions into a structure similar to Div-1 or Div-2. TBD!

To Note: Contrary to what the name No Restriction 6s implies, there ARE class restrictions that will be placed on players deemed necessary as is standard for all of RGL's other formats. We will do our best to notify you and your team ahead of time if this applies to your roster. You can read more about how RGL Staff approach Restrictions HERE

Cup Schedule

Keep in mind all times are in EDT (as has been standard within the Comp TF2 scene since time immemorial):
  • NEW Team Sign-ups/Registration ends: June 14th at 11:59PM EDT
  • Individual Player Team Joins to Existing Teams ends: June 14th at 11:59PM EDT
  • Saturday, June 17th - Day 1

  • Sunday, June 18th - Day 2
    • Playoffs round 1 (top 8): 14:00 EDT- Best of 3
    • Playoffs round 2 (top 4): 16:00 EDT - Best of 3
    • Playoffs round 3 (Grand Finals + Third Place Match): 18:00 EDT - Best of 3

If both teams are ready before the scheduled start time, matches are encouraged to be played early.

Depending on sign-ups, top divs may be top 4 double elim instead of top 8.

Playoffs map selection will follow this format and use our Pick/Ban UI system taking turns to vote:
Home Bans | Away Bans | Home Picks | Away Picks Twice (The 3rd map is defaulted into the map pool after the 1st and 2nd picks.)
If used correctly, when completed the Pick/Ban UI will list these choices in Match Comms for you automatically and add the Maps to your Match Page so you can report your scores after playing.

Map Pool

The map pool will have a different map for each Group Stage round. Playoffs will feature the top 8 teams for the div with each playoff match being a best of three match series. Group stages will have maps pre-selected. Playoffs map selection processes will be listed in match comms and completed by the teams playing the same day.
You can read the entirety of RGL's Ruleset for No Restriction 6s HERE! There are several deviations from how we play NR6s in comparison to Traditional 6s. Please take note!
The maps will be:For maps being played in this Cup that are not maps already included with TF2 by default, please click on the map names below to download the mapname.bsp file and then copy it into your TF2 directory at:\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\

Configs and Whitelist To Be Used

The servers you'll likely be using to play this Cup on will have all of the needed config files already pre-loaded. Read further below in "How do I exec configs / change maps?" for how it all works!

5CP or 5 Control Point:
Control Point Matches are played as the first to score 4 Rounds Won. There is no timelimit and tie scores are allowed.
For all 5CP maps, you will use config: rgl_mm_5cp.cfg

King of the Hill (aka KoTH):
Matches are played as the first to score 4 rounds won (Or as a Best of 7 series). There is no timelimit. Multiple "halves" will likely be played. Play as many as required until one team scores 4 rounds won total between all halves.
For all KoTH maps, you will use config: rgl_mm_koth.cfg. Execute in console winlimit_# if you reach a total of 4 Rounds Won in the middle of a given half. (# = the number of Rounds required to equal 4 Rounds Won total minus what you've already won in past halves. (i.e. You have played two halves in full with scores of (2-1) & (1-2). In a third half your team scores a round bringing the half's score to (1-0). This totals the map's score to (4-3) with your team winning. # should equal 1 in this example.

Payload (aka Stopwatch):
Stopwatch Matches are played in a best of three format. So the first team to win two full Rounds (aka halves) will win the match. A Round consists of each team playing 1 side of attacking (on BLU) and 1 side of defending (on RED). The winner of a Round in Stopwatch is whoever has the better time taken to capture all points. If the attacking team (BLU) does not capture all points possible before the round timer expires, the defending team (RED) only needs to capture the same number of capture points as BLU did in a shorter amount of time to win that Round.
For all Payload maps, you will use config: rgl_mm_stopwatch.cfg

We will be using the NR6s Whitelist. The serveme servers you'll likely be using will already have this whitelist pre-installed. You do not need to have it locally on your computer.

Cup Admin List


What servers should we use?

All servers should already have the maps uploaded to them, however, it is highly recommended to download the maps from the links above before connecting to reduce connect time, delays, or other issues.
Click the blue text just above to be taken to the na.serveme reservation's page.

QueeQuey - (QueeQuey#0120) from the video team has a video on this that you can watch here (note Qixalite is no longer an option):

How do I exec configs / change maps?

All na.serveme servers should already have the configs uploaded to them, but if you’re reserving a server and keeping it for more than one match, all you need to do is get the RCON (Shown on your booking page), enter that into your console, then type “rcon changelevel (insert map)” so to change from cp_gullywash to cp_snakewater it would be “rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1”. Changing config is similar. Instead of “changelevel” you type “exec”. So, if you change your map from Snakewater to Upward (Payload uses the stopwatch config), after getting on Upward you would enter “rcon exec rgl_mm_stopwatch” into the console. The video mentioned above also shows this in action.

What region/divs is this open to?

The cup is open to the NA region and open to all divs, however, the Newcomer division will be rebranded as the “YouTuber” division for YouTubers and new to competitive players to participate in. If you are out-of-region and wish to participate, please create a ticket in the RGL Discord.

Please also keep in mind that our Rule [1005.2] - Region will still apply to this Cup. That meaning only 2 players not in the North American Region are permitted per roster, regardless of who is actively playing in the Cup or not.

All skill levels are welcome. If you are a higher level player that wants to participate in the cup you can! Higher divisions will be present for you to play as there would be in any other cup. The placements of teams will be guided by placements of teams in the current season of RGL (if rostered). Teams may be shifted around depending on the number of sign-ups (ex a top IM team may be placed in Main). We are looking to have at least 8 teams per division to fully flesh out the schedule. If this requirement is not met, we likely will condense the upper divisions into a structure similar to Div-1 or Div-2. TBD!

Looking for a team?

You can join our RGL Discord and post in the #lft channel for “cup” and specify that you are looking to join an NR6s team. If you already have a team (or group of friends to form one), you can post in the #lfp channel for “cup” and specify the players you are looking to pick up.
  • An example for an lft post would be: “lft NC/YT Scout or Medic for the Chucklenuts cup”.
  • An example of an lfp post would be: “lfp NC/YT Scout and Demo for Chucklenuts cup, the team has 4 players, a medic, scout, soldier, and pyro”

Terms that you may want to know:

  • “Main” - Can refer to the division of “Main” or being a “Main player” aka the person who is a default player/starter. You can look at the typical LFT/LFP post to see typical formatting to get an idea of what people are looking for. Typically players don’t add “Main” if they are looking for a team and instead leave it blank. So “lft Main Demo” would be someone who’s looking to play Demo as a starter in the Main division.
  • “Sub” - Is someone who fills in when another player cannot make a match. We highly recommend rostering subs for your team that way you don’t have to forfeit or look for a ringer in case of internet issues/power outages etc. An example of a sub post would be “lfp AM Demo sub”.

How do I record demos?

You can use P-Rec or manually record demos by entering “record (insert demo name)” in the console when you want to start recording and then entering “stop” in the console when you want to stop recording. The video team has made a short guide that you can check out here: