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Day 3 - Current RGL Website Changes

   Taylor   - 12/24/2022
We would like to welcome everyone on our new Development team at RGL:

Developer Head: Aad, arcadia
Developers: DubThink, StillKill, Mori, RoGue, Kastaling, DolphiN
Design Head: RaosCosmeth

The above members will contribute to RGL projects, both current and future. Here are some of their upcoming short-term and long-term projects:

- Replacing the Prolander structure with Offseason Cups
- Renaming Trad. Sixes to just Sixes everywhere
- RGL Darkmode

- Allowing all divisions to add team pictures
- Allowing all divisions to add team bios
- Logs integration
- Event creation support

- Demo hosting
- Season stats

These were popular changes requested by the community, and as more suggestions crop up, we will ensure consistent updates.

We’d love to make more improvements, so please give us your thoughts on our socials!