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RGL HL Season 13: Maps, Survey Results and More!

   consta   - 9/21/2022

SFM By MetalCloud, Edited by Raos

The Season 13 Map Order:

Introducing King of the Hill Proot!

Following the recently concluded Experimental Cup #5, we released a survey to have you, our community, help decide what maps to include into Season 13! Following the results posted here, koth_proot was the most well-received out of all maps played during the cup. As such, we will be including it into the Season 13 map pool. Keep in mind that the map maker has been hard at work using everyone's thoughtful feedback from the survey to make improvements to the map! So a new version may be released before the season begins. There is also another map we are interested in including, but have decided to sit it out this Autumn so the mapper can make some adjustments to make it even better! Stay tuned for an exciting Season 14!

Map Version Updates

A new version of koth_ashville has been released. RGL will be using koth_ashville_final for Season 13. The changelog can be located here.
For Season 13 we will also use the newest refresh versions of pl_upward and cp_steel. Downloads for both maps are linked above. The changelog for pl_upward_f10 can be found here. For cp_steel_f12, the changelog is posted here.

Regarding Survey Results

We value the feedback of our players tremendously. The answers to each question let us know where to go in future seasons to best serve our players’ interests. For the multiple choice questions asking for feedback on divisions and their admins, I have shared the results with the respective division admins to improve our overall quality throughout each division. For the questions asking for written answers, I have made sure to read each and every response I received, whether it was serious or goofy, short or long. I would like to address some of the more common concerns in a future article but, for now, here are the results of the survey.

Match Points vs Rounds Won vs Pure Wins

This last survey we wanted to see everyone's thoughts on how team should be ranked as a primary and secondary choice. Based on these results, players are interested in primarily using the Match Points with Pure Wins being the second most popular choice. As such, we will continue to rank teams based on Match Points.

Advanced Round-Robin Question

A large majority of Main through Invite players in review are interested in Advanced being round-robin. As such, we will continue this structure going forward. Main and Invite are inquired due to their divisions directly being impacted by the chosen structure.

General Division Results

General Map Results

Experimental Cup Survey Results

Here are the survey results from the recent event. We're very excited to present these results! Thank you to everyone who participated and filled out the survey. We had 60 teams sign up. Without further ado, here are the results.

These results were very interesting as every map in the cup had over a 50% enjoyment rating. Both Ramjam and Eruption sat at an enjoyment rating of 51%. Meanwhile, Proot was at a staggering 80% enjoyment rating.

The large majority of players enjoy the current structure of six matches while playing each map twice during the cup. We will look into possibly doing this sort of structure for cups in the future! Keep in mind that this also causes an increased workload to our staff, which may result in less frequent cups overall.