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RGL HL Season 12: Qualifiers and Staff Changes

   consta   - 5/19/2022

Banner by Raos

Invite and Advanced Qualifiers

Both Invite and Advanced will have preseason qualifiers for Season 12. This is to ensure that teams are able to compete in the division best fitting for their skill level. Qualifiers for both Invite and Advanced will consist of 4 teams competing in a Round-Robin bracket. There will be 3 matches played, each using ban/ban to determine the played map. All Qualifier matches MUST be completed by Tuesday night.

Here are the default dates for Qualifiers:
Saturday, May 21st, 9:30 PM EST
Sunday, May 22nd, 9:30 PM EST
Monday, May 23rd, 9:30 PM EST

The qualifier ban order will be as follows:
A Bans | B Bans | A Bans | B Bans | A Bans | B Ban

Qualifiers Map Pool:

The teams competing in Invite Qualifiers are as follows:

The teams competing in Advanced Qualifiers are as follows:

Updated Staff List

Since the previous article, the Highlander Admin Team has had a change in staffing and we would like to welcome ZoomxZe to our staff team! As such, this is our updated staff list:

Division Admins:
Invite: yogrrt
Advanced: Joey Lemons
Main: Spazz
Amateur: Icy
Newcomer: Kitty

Division Moderators:
Advanced: JohhnyfromCali
Main: vibeisveryo
Intermediate: ZoomxZe
Amateur: asian
Newcomer: Jercer

The staff list is available to view on our website.