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Announcing the RGL Midseason Cup

   exa   - 6/25/2021

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Banner by Raos

The map cup will be held on July 16th and 17th

This map cup is intended to gather extra region specific data on maps that have been played in other regions, as well as give additional feedback and testing for the highest voted map from our last EXP cup: Mannbase. A poll will be featured at the end of the cup that serves to observe feedback for each map, as well as gauge interest for each map in future competitive play.

There are no roster locks for this cup.

Map List

Schedule - Times in ET

July 16th - Swiss Groups

20:00 - Round 1 (Reckoner and Logjam)
21:30 - Round 2 (Mannbase and Reckoner)
23:00 - Round 3 (Logjam and Mannbase)

July 17th - Playoffs (Single Elimination, Top 8)

18:00 - Round of 8: Mannbase
19:00 - Semifinals: Logjam
20:00 - GF and 3rd place (BO3 pick/ban)


  • Day 1: 6 total 30-minute halves. 2 halves against each team (3 matches total).
  • Day 2: Playoffs, Best of 1 group stages, best of 3 Grand Finals
  • Single elimination, top 8 teams will make playoffs.

Matches are played in 30-minute Halves. If there is a tie after the 30 minutes, an extra round is played for 10 minutes, until either those 10 minutes run out or until a team wins a round. If the 10 minutes run out, mid is replayed again, and whoever caps the midpoint wins the map.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out in the RGL Discord.