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Highlander Experimental Cup #4 Results

   WiLLmaTiC   - 6/18/2021
Better late than never right? Lets take a look at the results and see what will be happening with Ramjam, the new Cascade, and Borneo moving forward.

Individual Map Results


Ramjam REALLY was not liked very much, with only 24% of the players in the map cup enjoying the map.

New Cascade

The new Cascade had a better result at 44% of players enjoying the map. This is just barely better than last season's Lakeside result, which was 42%.


Borneo also comes in with 44% of players enjoying the map, with a large number of players thinking it was OK.

Map Preferences and Moving Forward

Ramjam vs New Cascade

Swiftwater vs Borneo

Cascade handedly beat out Ramjam and "Neither Option" to be added in as the third King of the Hill map for Season 9. This is the reason why we are playin Cascade this season instead of Ramjam or Lakeside. In addition, as a result of Ramjams' poor survey performance, it won't be tested again. (Maybe we'll wait another 3 years before trying again... jkjk)

As for replacing Borneo for Swiftwater, this was a much closer result. While Swiftwater is still being played in Season 9, how close the result was makes a compelling case for Borneo.

With Borneo receiving fairly decent results and how close the poll was to replace Swiftwater with Borneo, we have elected to add Borneo as a map to rotate to. This will work similarly to how Lakeside and Cascade have been rotating in and out between seasons. The main difference is, starting next season, the map with the lowest rating will be rotated out for a replacement.

For example: Swiftwater would be replaced with Borneo, but Cascade would stay in rotation.