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Prolander Cup #6 Additional Information

   Yotts   - 11/27/2020

Hello Players,

There have been some questions regarding the Prolander cups; we hope to address those questions in this post.

The cup begins at 3pm Eastern on Saturday, December 19th. Day 2 (Sunday) will be on the same time. We expect the matches to conclude by 7pm Eastern. Servers will not be provided, so please make arrangements accordingly.

Day 1

Day 1 (Saturday, December 19th) is a Swiss tournament. Maps for day one are as follows:

Day 2

Day 2 (Sunday, December 20th) is a single-elimination tournament in which the top 4 teams from each division will compete to win their respective division. Maps will be decided through pick/bans of the 3 maps listed above.

Pick/ban order will be determined by seeding from day 1, as follows:

  • 1. Higher seed picks map 1
  • 2. Lower seed decides the order for map 2 and 3

If you need any further clarification, please feel free to send a message in the #help-and-feedback channel in the RGL Discord.