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HL Newcomer Division Introduction and Division Updates


   consta   - 10/2/2020
Highlander had an exciting first week of matches on vigil, and as teams begin to prepare for their second match of the season, I wanted to provide some details and resources for Newcomer teams!
I am Constantly, the RGL Highlander Newcomer division admin. I work behind the scenes with the rest of the Highlander Admin Team to make sure the season runs as smoothly as possible. I am also responsible for Newcomer player approvals and releasing match schedules within the Newcomer division.

As placements were starting to be finalized, a lot of players brought to me their concerns about being placed in the incorrect division. For this season, when a player signed up for either Newcomer or Amateur, they were required to sign up for “Amateur Placement”, in which they would then be sorted into either Amateur or Newcomer by Administrators. For Season 8, we are looking to only allow teams to explicitly sign up for the Newcomer division. Teams looking to be placed into Amateur would then need to sign up for Admin Placement and select “Amateur” as their preferred division.

I have also received concerns regarding admin approvals and match scheduling. Following the start of the season, all Newcomer team join requests must additionally be approved by the Newcomer Admin or Moderator. I will be checking pending requests every other day. If a Newcomer join request is not approved by Sunday morning, please contact me or djnnseng as soon as possible. All roster transactions must be sent by the player 18 hours prior to the match in order to be considered a rostered player.

Newcomer teams have often rescheduled their matches to dates as late as Friday. To ensure proper swiss-tournament scheduling, all Newcomer teams will need to complete their matches in order for the next set of matches to be scheduled. I will try to have weekly matches released as early as Wednesday. However, if your Newcomer match is not released by Friday night, whether due to rescheduled matches or my personal time restraints, please contact me on Discord as soon as possible.

Another issue that I wanted to address is concerning players being prevented on the site from rostering due to being flagged as an alternative account. Many players are stopped by this every single season, and it’s a necessary measure to ensure that alternative accounts are not active within the league. Any players stopped by the alt detection should open a ticket in the RGL Discord using our new support system. This includes messages stating that they are on an alternative account as well as messages notifying that the player has not met the minimum requirements for a division.

A quick note that a roster lock will be in place starting November 2nd. This means players will no longer be able to join rosters past the deadline. Please make sure all players are rostered before November 2nd.

I am here to help newer players as much as possible and to ensure players have an easy entry into Competitive Highlander. If any players need assistance regarding the Newcomer division, feel free to DM Constantly#9508 or the Newcomer Moderator djnnseng#7649 on Discord directly. We can answer any questions, comments, or concerns they might have. Alternatively, we strongly recommend players to utilize our new ticketing system. Good luck and have fun to all players competing in Season 7!