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Announcing the Australian Prolander Mini-League!

   gluglug   - 7/15/2020
Greetings all! To quote a punished man from a entirely different franchise: "Kept you waiting, huh?" So if it hasn't already been blatantly apparent, we've been pretty quiet to the point of a near-perfect corpse imitation. And this is the second time in a row we've done this. Sorry.

Now with the poorly-written apologies out of the way, we'd like to announce the main meal of this dish: The AU RGL Prolander mini-league! A short and intense burst of high-octane organised mayhem!

The mercs will be duking it out on only the finest fields of gravel featuring these flamboyant locations:


The main season will run from the 25th July - 16th of August. Signups are open now and will close on the 23rd July.