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Announcing the Australian NR6's One Day Cup!

   gluglug   - 3/7/2020
Hello all! I'm sure that there has been some of you who have been desperately wanting to play Valve Software's own competitive version of Team Fortress 2 in a 3rd-part league for quite some time and now you can! Introducing the AU.RGL.GG No Restriction 6's One Day Cup (Originally it was going to be a league, but we thought it would be more enjoyable as a One Day Cup)! With this event, we here at AU.RGL.GG would like to provide you all a day of casual, good-natured and wholesome fun with that good ol' competitive spirit we TF2 players are all too well known for. Now to all those brave enough to put aside all your hallowed knowledge and love of the well-known and beloved 6v6 version of competitive TF2 in favour of this new and bizarre experience, we commend you! And we would like to guarantee you a day of action-packed madness, mayhem and maps (potentially) unheard of! You'll be in for a ride with warzones old and new, where you'll be able to invent new strategies and combinations in a battlefield where you're completely free to use whatever weapon and how many of whatever class you want!

Signups closing date has been moved back to the 15th of April, and the cup itself will happen on the 18th of April

The map pool is as follows:

- koth_bagel
- koth_chasm
- pl_upward
- cp_propaganda
- koth_product