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Season 1 - Registration Giveaway

   sigafoo   - 5/25/2017
We're incredibly appreciative of two amazing people who are helping players get into RGL by covering their registration fees.


IcedKappa is focused on helping players who are new to competitive to join our solo queue league. Where you can register by yourself or party with with a couple friends. You’ll automatically be placed on a team and your team will even be given a private server to use for the entire season. If you’ve always wanted to try comp, this is a great place to start.


Lonjerpc is doing a massive giveaway! He’s already paid for close to 20 registration and was planning on doing as many as 50! He’s open to sponsoring players from any competitive background, whether you’re new to comp or an experienced veteran.

Simply put, these guys are incredibly generous and we really appreciate what both of them are doing for the TF2 community. In this spirit, originally the over half priced registration was suppose to end today, but we’re going to extend it for 4 more days! Sunday the 28th will be the absolute last day to take advantage of these low registration prices.