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Season 4 Map Test Cup Signups are open!

   dempsey   - 7/4/2019
Signups for the first ever European Preseason Cup in RGL are now open! To register go to our website and click "REGISTER NOW!". If you do not have a team for the cup, try out making yourself a recruitment post or have a look to see if a team is looking for a class you play

If you want to read all the details available about the Cup, read this article.

To quickly summarise the most important details:

  • The maps to be played are: koth_warmtic_b6, koth_bagel_rc2, cp_gravelpit
  • The dates are the 19th, 20th, and 21st
  • Playoffs structure will be decided at a later date

In regards to a prizepool, we're going to be giving away TOD tickets to the top-finishing teams and some keys for the winners of their division!

To all the teams signing up: Good luck and see you there! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask a cup admin in our brand new EU discord!