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Advanced Week 4 Review and Week 5 Predictions


   Micahlele   - 7/1/2019
Week5: Product

The staple highlander koth map returns with a slight update in the form of rcx, fixing some slight issues with the rocks, but leaving the rest of the map completely untouched. Product is a map that tests a team’s DM capabilities, and is a map where Scouts, Demos, and Snipers dominate.

Roster Changes

Home Depot eSports
- Serious
+ Steaklington

Super Handsome Inteligent Team
- Cheers
+ cookie

Nine Trey Gangsters has disbanded

Week 4 Review

Super Handsome Inteligent Team vs Bruh Team

Prediction: 2-1 S.H.I.T.
Outcome: 2-0 S.H.I.T.

I did not have an article last week due to finals, but I did post predictions on the forums. With Bruh Team’s great performance in the past weeks, I expected them to give S.H.I.T. challenge, but they couldn’t even take a half. Moist Master gave a great showing dropping 33 kills, with decent performances coming out from apathy and neum as well, with apathy dropping 450 DPM on soldier and neum getting 26 kills.

Notable Performances: Moist Master, apathy, neum

Home Depot eSports vs brandonbrandonbrandonbrandonbr

Prediction: many brandons > BOPIS 2-0
Outcome: BOPIS > many brandons 2-0

Even with multiple mains missing scrims because of RGB lan, and with almost as many subs playing as mains in their match, and mains offclassing with roster switchups, Home Depot managed to sweep many brandons 2-0. I’m starting to believe that either many brandons can only play koth maps, or that they are about as consistent as Michaelpc1’s sniping history. Speaking of snipers, ItsyAcore gave an extremely disappointing performance against Home Depot’s sub inky, going 14-22 compared to inky’s whopping 33-8 K/D. zbra also gave a great showing on soldier subbing in for BOPIS, with many brandons’ sub BLNKT doing great as well.

Notable Performances: inky, zbra, BLNKT

The Money Team vs Never Knows Best

Prediction: TMT > NKB 2-0
Outcome: TMT > NKB 2-0

The Money Team just had the more experienced players and the logs definitely showed it. XBS, Mono, and Makkabeus all dropped over 40 kills, with Mono and Makkabeus getting about 500 dpm. NKB tried their best to compete, but the DM abilities just weren’t there.


The Money Team vs Super Handsome Inteligent Team
Home Depot eSports vs Never Knows Best
Blackjack and Hookers vs Bruh Team
brandonbrandonbrandonbrandonbr receives a Bye Week

The Money Team vs Super Handsome Inteligent Team MotW

The two best teams in the division fighting on the staple highlander koth map product. I believe TMT’s flank of XBS and Mono will be able to own the flank for a majority of the game, but the combos and pick classes between these teams are dead even. This match could go either way, but I’m predicting that Mono and 5perm will be able to do a lot of work, which will ultimately be the deciding factor in this match.

Prediction: S.H.I.T. > TMT 4-3

Players to watch out for: Mono, 5perm, neum

Home Depot eSports vs Never Knows Best

After a great win again many brandons last week, I think BOPIS will be able to keep this momentum going forward and take this match relatively easily. However, that doesn’t mean this match will be a roll. If BOPIS falls into their trend of playing too passive while getting destroyed by the spy, NKB can make this a much tougher match for Home Depot to take.

Prediction: BOPIS > NKB 4-1

Players to watch out for: animus, Tosm Craftkitty

Blackjack and Hookers vs Bruh Team

Blackjack and Hookers continues the trend of being an incredibly strong payload team and much weaker on koth. Bruh team has been progressing through the season extremely well on koth, while B&H has been a been overall weaker on koth. While B&H would completely destroy Bruh on any payload map, product is going to be extremely close. I’m expecting some big damage numbers to come from Poseidon and Kjr this week, but we’ll see how it goes.

Prediction: B&H > Bruh 4-3

Players to watch out for: B&H Poseidon, B&H Kjr, Bruh Avian

Power Rankings:
1: The Money Team
2: Super Handsome Inteligent Team
3: Blackjack and Hookers
4: Bruh Team
5: brandonbrandonbrandonbrandonbr
6: Home Depot eSports
7: Never Knows Best

Sorry for not having an article last week, I was busy with two weeks of finals and needed to study for them. I will be trying to keep the articles coming every week, and making the format of them more consistent overall. If you have any feedback for the articles, please message me on discord @Micahlele#0777