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IM Playoff Week 1 Review & Playoffs Week 2 Predictions


   Moose In A Suit   - 11/5/2018


Welcome back to the Intermediate Article. With our first week of playoffs complete, I would like to quickly like to remind everyone that the IM playoffs are double elimination. So even though 4 teams lost their match last week they have another chance to move on into playoffs. This week, 2 teams will be eliminated and 2 more will drop down to the lower bracket. Without further ado, let’s get into last week’s matches.

Playoff Week 1 Match Reviews

ANTHRAX vs. Four Loko 14% ALC 400mg CAF

Maps: Upward-ANTHRAX, Product-Four Loko, Lakeside- ANTHRAX
Predicted: 2-1 ANTHRAX
Result: 2-1 ANTHRAX

In a very back-and-forth match, ANTHRAX ends up on top winning 2-1 over 4loko. ANTHRAX win upward decisively with a 2-0, although the last half came down to 5 seconds. The MVP on upward was Sophie pulling off joint top frag with 37 and around 500 dpm. Four Loko rallied and won 3-1 with all but the last round coming down to the wire. Slappy Choppy stood out on product with 35 frags, tying with Bon Qui Qui and winning the svs 10-5. On lakeside, it was expected that Four Loko would continue their momentum onto another Koth map and get an easy victory but with Sophie stepping out and townze stepping in for ANTHRAX he was able to provide the boost and they won 3-2. Moist master put up an incredible performance. He racked up 45 frags and supported townze very well throughout the game and was the edge that allowed ANTHRAX to win the game.

MVPs: moist master, sophie, Bon Qui Qui

404 players not found vs. Bedtime Stories

Map: steel-Bedtime stories, product-Bedtime stories
Predicted: 2-1 Bedtime stories
Result: 2-0 Bedtime stories
Product Steel1 Steel2

In a surprisingly straightforward match, Bedtime stories outclassed 404 nearly universally. Asura ringing for bedtime stories top fragged on product locking down the flank. Crit happens also performed exceptionally, top damaging every half. Jin-Jin also performed very well on the flank, securing 68 frags on scout. On 404 crit performed well, picking up 52 frags.

MVPs: crit happens, jin-jin, crit

massive cranium esports vs. Corncake’s Dormroom

Map: ashville-massive cranium, product-massive cranium
Predicted: 2-0 massive cranium
Result: 2-0 massive cranium
Product ashville

In a very interesting strategic decision, Corncake decided to pick all Koth against massive cranium, a Koth powerhouse. The match was a quick one, corncake did not even take a round. This is honestly less of a test of Corncake’s skill and more of a lesson for them to do their research for map picks. Vortex and shake worked both performed very well for massive cranium, Jones performed well on Corncake

MVPs: Vortex, shake, Jones

Leo Fan Club vs. Arctic Monkeys

Map: swiftwater-Arctic Monkeys, product-Arctic Monkeys
Predicted: 2-0 Arctic Monkeys
Result: 2-0 Arctic Monkeys

A clash of a higher level team versus a lower level team. Leo fan club was outclassed on everything except scout. This led to a straightforward victory for Arctic Monkeys. Alex and willmatic performed well for Arctic Monkeys, second and third fragging respectively and ult pulled an outstanding performance top fragging with 56 frags.

MVPs: ult, alex,willmatic

Week 2 playoff Match Predictions

ANTHRAX vs. massive cranium

Map: Borneo, ashville, steel

The map choices seem pretty balanced, massive cranium picked Ashville, being historically excellent at Koth maps and Borneo and steel round out pretty much all the different game modes played this season. Massive cranium has picked up a lot of match experience on Borneo, however, playing an extra match on Borneo, both of which they beat 404 convincingly. Leaving them the clear favorite to take the first two maps and win another week.

Prediction:2-0 massive cranium

Bedtime Stories vs. Arctic Monkeys

Map: Borneo, upward, product

I expect that this match will be very close and very interesting. I would not be surprised if Arctic Monkeys are able to upset Bedtime stories. Both teams have been stronger on payload so this will be a battle of attrition to see which team can go through two whole payload matches then completely switch mindsets to play product.

Prediction:2-1 Bedtime Stories

Corncake's Dormroom vs. Four Loko 14% ALC 400mg CAF

Map: swiftwater, ashville, upward

In the first of two lower bracket matches, it should be stressed again that the loser of this and the next match are out of playoffs. With that being said, Four Loko seems ready to take this match after having an extremely close match last week. Four Loko has performed better in past matches. Corncake is going to have to put everything on the table to beat 4loko.

Prediction: 2-0 4loko

404 players not found vs. Leo Fan Club

Map :product, borneo, swiftwater

404 have been on a steady decline since the last week of the regular season. It seems losing to massive cranium changed their mindset and now they're looking to regroup and beat a team that, in the regular season, wouldn't have made them bat an eye. Leo Fan Club is looking to continue 404’s tilt and if they are able to do that they may be able to pull out a victory.

Prediction: 2-0 404

Power Rankings

1. Bedtime Stories(+1)
2. massive cranium esports(+2)
3. Arctic Monkeys(+2)
4. ANTHRAX(-3)
5. 404 players not found(-2)
6. Four Loko 14% ALC 400mg CAF(+2)
7. Corncake’s Dormroom
8. Leo Fan Club(-2)

As expected my rankings were completely wrong. Some of the matches were closer than expected, for example, ANTHRAX performed worse than expected to come dangerously close to losing to 4loko. 404 lost more than expected to Bedtime Stories leading them to drop down 2 positions. 404 had a strong run in the regular season but I have a sneaking suspicion that what was driving them to success is now beginning falling apart.