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Advanced All-Stars Match


   Tacos   - 11/4/2018

Season 1 Advanced All-Stars

All-Star matches have been a long time seasonal highlander tradition; RGL wishes to carry on the tradition within our first season of highlander! So far, RGL’s first season of highlander has seen some of the best competitive highlander Team Fortress 2 played in a long time.

The All-Stars match gives an opportunity to outstanding players, determined by the community, to versus against each other in an exciting brawl! The match will be a Bo3 with the first team to win 2 maps wins the match. Through the help of the RGL staff, we have been able to accrue some surprising rewards for the winners. But we will explain all this more in depth later; as for now, let’s focus on the voting.


For this season’s All-Stars selection, we have talked to all the Advanced team leaders and asked them to nominate two players from their team. The two community favorites (the two most voted upon players) from this list will serve as a team captain for the All-Stars match. From there we will move to the class voting. We have selected the top players from their classes through their stats and made a group of 4 players per-class. The top two players from the list will be eligible to be picked by the two team leaders. The team leaders can pick whoever they want in any order they want, but the player they pick must play the class they did during the season. If you would like to vote, please go here.


The maps will be decided by a pick/ban system just like playoffs. The team captain with the most votes will be home and the second team captain will be away. The two team captains will be able to choose from the regular season map pool.

Rewards and Match Time

We were able to add a reward for winning this match. Only the winners will receive a special medal stating your All-Star status! The match will be played on November 16th, 2018 at 9:30 EST. We wish everyone good luck in their voting.