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EU Playoffs!

   Albert   - 10/22/2018
With playoffs commencing next week for Open and Div-2 and only a fortnight away for Div-1 and Invite, there's no better time to discuss how playoffs will differ between divisions and from last season.

All remaining teams will have a game a week with the same default time that their regular season had (Tuesday 8pm CEST for Div-1/Invite and Wednesday 8pm CEST for Div-2/Open)

Map picks
All matches will be best of 3, with the maps being selected from those played in that division's regular season.
KOTH maps will be played first team to 3 round wins and Stopwatch maps will be played in full. However if a stopwatch map is picked as a 3rd map, and another stopwatch map was 1st or 2nd picked, only 1 half of the 3rd map has to be played.

For Open and Div-2 the map pick ban process will be as follows:
Away Pick / Home Pick / Away Ban / Home Pick

and for Div-1 and Invite:
Home Ban / Away Ban / Away Pick / Home Pick / Away Ban / Home Pick

Elimination system
The top 8 teams in Open will face each other in a single elimination tourney until one true victor remains.

The top 3 teams from Div-2 Red and from Div-2 Blue will be facing each other, where the top scoring team from the regular season in each coloured group will be awarded a bye week to maintain the single elimination structure.

There will be a gauntlet style system for both Div-1 and Invite, where the team with the 4th highest points will play against the 3rd; whoever wins will then go onto fight the 2nd.
The victor of that match will then duke it out against the team that came first in the regular season to determine our grand champion!