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Announcing Two New Events!

   sigafoo   - 4/25/2018
I'm very excited to announce that in the off season of North American Prolander, we will be hosting two new tournaments!

NA One Day Cup -

We hosted two winter one day cups and in total we had over 1,000 registered players! After that success, we decided to bring back the one day cup once again. This cup will be available to North American teams and will be taking place on Sunday, May 20th.

What makes this cup unique is that you don't have to worry about competing against top-level teams like Froyotech to win prizes. Once you register your team, we'll look at your best players and place your team into a division with 8 total teams of similar skill. The top 4 teams inside of each division will win keys! It's a great way to try out the dynamic, fast paced format of Prolander, it's free to enter, and it all takes place over only one day.

Register Now @

NA $2,000 Solo Queue Cup -

Tired of seeing the same teams at the top of every... single... tournament? Well here's the change of pace you've been waiting for. For this experimental tournament, you can only register by yourself. We will select captains and then hold a draft to create 8 teams.

The top 4 teams will split a $2,000 dollar prizepool. If you get picked, your team only needs to finish in the top half to win a cash prizes! The tournament will take place over two days, June 2nd and 3rd. The entry fee is only $20 dollars, and if you don't get picked your entry fee will be refunded.

Learn more and register Now @