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Everything you need to know about registering for RGL

   sigafoo   - 1/21/2018 Season 3 - League Info

North America

New team registration ends
Feb 20th, 2018

League Starts
Feb 22th, 2018

Season Length
5 weeks + 1-3 weeks of Playoffs

How often are matches
Once per week

What division should you join?

Little to No Comp Experience

What division you should be in is based on your past competitive experience. Our Rec Low division is for players with little to no TF2 competitive experience. Entry into this division is free! The highest skill level in this division should be approximately low silver. What we'll do is break teams into groups of six (around similar skill level) to will prevent sandbagging and make sure you have a more fun and competitive prolander experience.

Been Around the Competitive Block

If you've played competitive TF2 before and think you are pretty decent, then jump into our new RGL-Div 1. Div-1 is equivalent to the open division provided by other leagues. If you are UGC mid/high silver, low plat or ESEA open, this is where you want to be. Entry fee for this division as well is FREE! RGL-Div 1 boasts a $1,000 prize pool that is spread out among the top teams at the end of the season. You can view last seasons teams/league table here.

Lone Wolf

Something unique to RGL is our Solo Queue signup. Sign up, pay the fee and get placed on a team. That's it. No having to reach out to captains, no trying out, no nonsense. You'll be placed on a team with other solo queue players. For our Rec division it's a one time fee of $2.50 and for Div-1 it's $2.50. In Div-1, we've paid out $750 dollars to teams that started out as solo queue teams.

The Cream of the Crop

For our top competitors, we present the RGL-Invite division with a $3,000 prizepool. If you're interested in playing in this division and have not already hosted an RLG-Invite team, Please contact @sigafoo through our public discord channel.

How Registration Works

Your team leader will start off by going to our registration page and choosing which divisions you would like to join from the left navigation bar. Either click the "Create team" button or "Prepaid Full Team" (for divisions with entry fees.) Fill out the team's information and click continue. If you're in a free division, that's it. For paid divisions, you'll need to cover the cost of entering.

Once you have created and joined your team, you can invite other people to join. The easiest way is to have them go directly to your team's team page. You can get this URL by clicking on your steam profile picture dropdown in the top right menu bar and then click on your team name. Give them the URL (in the format " ") and tell them to click the blue "Join Team" button.

For those invited to a team, follow the URL, put in the team password and click join team. The leader will get a notification to approve your request, which they can approve by click on the alert or by accessing the pending approval page in the leader section of your team page. Once you are approved, simply click complete registration and you'll be good to go.

How does prepaying for a team work?

For our paid divisions, prepaying pays for a number of roster spots on your team. You do not need to determine who will be playing in those spots at the time of purchase, the prepaid spots will be used automatically when you accept someone onto your team. This will work until all prepaid spots are used. If a player who was given a prepaid roster spot leaves prior to the start of the regular season, then you'll be given that prepaid spot back to give to someone else.

I'm looking for a team!

If you're not interested in signing up in our Solo Queue, then you can post a LFT thread here. Click on the link at the top that says "Looking for a team? Create a post here" and fill out the form.

I'm looking for players for my team!

Teams can post into our LFP section. This lets players know you are looking for people to join your team. However, be proactive. Don't rely on this alone, and make sure to reach out to players on the LFT page as well.

I want to try Prolander!

You're in luck! We host free pick-up games open to all skill levels! Join our public discord channel. We host PUGs multiple times a week. We'll post about them in the #pug_announcements channel. Once they are starting, join the Pickup Waiting voice channel and an admin will talk with you to get you setup in our system.

Have a question?

Don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us on our public discord channel. Post into our support chat and someone should respond with you shortly.

Looking forward to another great season!