Our Leagues

We take pride in building the best possible communities around our leagues and a strong stances against players attempting to sandbag to ruin the experience for others.

NA Highlander Experimental Cup


2024 Seasons

2024 HL Exp #6 May 4 - May 31

NA Sixes


2024 Seasons

2024 Sixes S14 Jan 22 - Apr 17
2024 Sixes S15 May 21 - Sep 1

New team registration is OPEN
4 days left

NA Highlander


2024 Seasons

2024 HL Season 17 Jan 29 - Apr 8
2024 HL Season 18 Jun 3 - Aug 19

New team registration is OPEN
7 days left

* indicates the season date is not finalize and may be changed in the future.

Team Fortress 2 - Competitive Formats

What is highlander?

Highlander, in which each team has one of each class for a total of 9, is one of the most popular game formats across competitive TF2’s history. When it came onto the scene in North America it quickly dwarfed all other formats in player count. In Highlander, players mainly play Payload, Attack/Defend, and King of the Hill maps.

Why should I play highlander?

This format is great for you if you enjoy your favourite class being viable at all times and always having something to do. Because of the higher team size, it plays more similarly to Casual than Prolander or Sixes, making the learning curve a little less steep for new players. Some argue that it is the most authentic format because all 9 classes are played at all times.

What is prolander?

Prolander, the newest competitive format in TF2, is a 7v7 one-class-limit format conceived on the idea of minimizing player count while maintaining class diversity and dynamic gameplay. It focuses on Payload, Attack/Defend, and King of the Hill maps.

Why should I play prolander?

If you want to play a format where all classes are viable, but you can change classes to fit how you play, and don’t like being stuck on a single class, Prolander is for you! It allows teams to be dynamic and reactive in their lineups, for example running a Pyro to counter a powerful Spy, running an Engineer on defense for extra tank ability, and other such reasons. Fortunately, there is no strict meta on what classes are run at what times; while certain mainstay classes that are almost always run like Medic or Sniper are there, even the top teams have their own unique lineups and playstyles, using their creativity to its fullest. Due to the lower player count than Highlander, the game plays more smoothly and faster paced.

After a tournament, we did a survey to find out if the people who tried Prolander enjoyed it over 90% of players responded that they enjoyed it, some for the following reasons:

"Yes it was fun to constantly guess which off class they are using."

"Yes! 7s is my favorite format. More dynamic than 6s, less clunky/congested than HL."

"Yes, it as fun to play competitive for the first time, and I liked that you could class switch."

"Prolander is my favorite format to watch competitive TF2, and it was fun to play."

"It was an interesting take on highlander that really mixes it up. There was a lot of discussion on my team on what maps we needed certain classes on for strategy purposes."

What is No Restriction Sixes?

No restriction sixes is exactly what the name sounds like. It is a format of six players on either side and there are no restrictions. No weapons banned, no class restrictions. It's a true free for all. It is basically like a smaller version of the casual mode settings. In the pilot season we will be playing on 5cp, Payload and KOTH maps.

Why should I play No Restriction Sixes?

If you want to try something that is completely different from any other competitive format out there right now.

What is Sixes?

The staple of the Competitive TF2 scene, Sixes, takes six players and pits them against each other in an intense battle on 5cp and KoTH maps. Generally Sixes is played with a squad of a two Scouts, two Soldiers, a Demoman, and a Medic, with opportunities to offclass throughout a match.

Why should I play Sixes?

Sixes is a tight balance of teamplay and aim, and is TF2's main competitive gamemode. If you're looking for a rewarding experience and great competition, you've found the right place.

Pick Up Games

The best way to experience a format is to jump onto a team with players of similar skill, but if you're looking to try out competitive a little sooner. Here's some options.

Prolander & Highlander


Great PUGs for all skill levels. Admin ran and balanced using our own custom match-making system. A very friendly and welcoming community to new players. A great community to get started in if you're new to comp.

Excellent community, Excellent admins, fun and competitive leagues


Registered players


Matches Played


Winnings awarded

Lets play!

Getting into competitive can feel a little daunting, but once you get a taste of how fun TF2 can be at this level... Well there's a reason why TF2 has had such an active and passionate competitive community for all these years.

The best way to get started is getting onto a team and joining one of our leagues or cups. How do you do that? Go back up to our leagues section click on the one you're interested in joining. Then go to the registration page to get more details!

Join one of our leagues today!